Archive for the ‘Vacation’ Category
Sitka, Alaska
Friday, August 29th, 2008 We will be staying at the Shee Atika Totem Square Inn. Looks like we are in for some GREAT Kodak moments. Watch next week and I’ll share some pictures from Alaska.
I was in Alaska before (many years ago – our airplane stopped at an airport in Alaska to refuel on the way to Japan). I think this trip will really count – I will actually touch the ground.
Camping at North Lake
Saturday, August 2nd, 2008The past two summers Chris has organized a camping trip for all the Ciccotelli family members. Last year while Tom and I were there we saw Chris on Friday and the rest of the week-end it was just us two. This year Michael, Liz, Linda (Liz’s daughter) and her friend were there for the entire time. Chris and Chris (his girl friend) were there for a couple of the days and Peter and Cathy and there family camp up our last night.
Celebrating our 10th Anniversary
Friday, June 20th, 2008Today Tom and I have been married 10 years. He is very supportive of me and my adventures and we celebrated our wedding anniversary last week-end so I could attend the NQA Quilt Show. So, I am here in Columbus, OH and Tom is in New York. Please see my post from last year to see pictures of our wedding day.
Columbus, Ohio
Monday, June 16th, 2008Tom and I are in Columbus, OH for a few days. We flew here on Saturday and are celebrating our 10th Anniversay a few days early. Why Columbus you ask – I am presenting a lecture on Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning Tom will fly back to New York and work the rest of the week. Jennie flys in on Wednesday, Susan (my sister) and Hillary (her daughter) fly in on Thursday. We are going to the NQA Quilt Show. Jennie and I are taking an all-day workshop on Thursday.
As for the basement – it is wonderful. I was hoping to take some pictures and make a post before we left, but I ran out of time. It is so light and wonderful. I LOVE the white ceiling. The carpet will be put in next week when I get back to New York – then to put ALL the stuff away.