Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Did you REALLY expect me to post timely 2 weeks in a row?

Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

On Monday and Tuesday I was in Maryland for a lecture The Legacy Lives on – Five Generations of Quilters and a hexabag workshop.

Monday evening I stayed with Didi (a friend from QPN). This is the room that I stayed in.

She has this quilt rack with all these wonderful antique quilts.
I am taking a few pictures in case I can figure out a place in my home to have a quilt rack like this.

I have discoverd Google Reader this week. I love it because it let’s me know when blogs have been updated without me having to spend the time visiting each individual blog. Yah for technology!

On Thursday morning I made these four bids for a charity project that the Village Squares Quilters are working on. At around 10:00 I went to Quilt Cottage for a Sit n’ Sew with the VSQ members to make bibs. We made around 30 bibs while at the Quilt Cottage.

A sister in our ward just a had baby boy and their daughter was in Nursery with Tom and I. I made this receiving blanket for the baby and a ball for each of the BIG sisters.
I did not have any baby wrapping paper so I just folded the corners in and ties with ribbon. (Emily will “LOVE” this wrapping style!)

We are getting ready to have my studio (basement) worked on. We are having sheetrock put on the ceiling. What pipes are not covered up will be painted white. Tom and I will redo the rock walls. New carpet cut exactly the right size for a our basement. I am also working on some fun accessories for my studio. I have taken a bunch of BEFORE pictures and will post them when I have some progress pictures to share with you. Anyway, this is the quilt tha I am making for the reclyner that will be in my studio.

Playing with different layouts.

This is going to be a BIG, BIG, BIG job. We have to basically take everything out of the basement. For any of you who have been in our basement, you know that I use every corner to the fullest! I have sorted through alot of my quilting books and will be selling them at the Trash to Treasure sale in June’s Village Square Quilters meeting. Anyway, I just have to keep reminding myself how NICE it will be when it is all completed!

I keep working away…………..

Monday, February 18th, 2008
E-bay Mania
I pieced this top (and back) in 2002 from a BUNCH of squares that I purchased on e-bay. I thought the squares would be large enough to use for the Double Wedding Quilt that I wanted to reproduce. As it turned out (if I would have measured the template prior to purchasing this box of squares) the squares were too small. So, I found this pattern and proceeded to make this quilt top. I wanted to use every square. After completing the top I had some squares left-over, so I used them while piceing the back for this quilt.

Now I am working on quilting this quilt.

Here is a picture of the back.

I finished making (alot more than I need) flowers for the appliqued border of the Gift Bag Swap.

While trying to decide the layout of the applique I was getting way to stressed because it was taking to long – I needed to get working on the projects that I plan on completing this month. So, I put this project away until next month.
This is the Village Squares Quilter’s raffle quilt. This week I sewed the binding down by hand. At least I got the chance to do something on it. When they were doing most of the hand quitling I had that terrible cough and I didn’t want to sit around the quilting frame when I was coughing so badly.

I Know – it’s not Monday

Friday, November 9th, 2007

Just a short note to let you know that I have been thinking about my blog, but just not doing anything about it. I completd three veteran’s quilt last week, but need to get a picture of them. So I have been putting off posting until that time arrives. Well, don’t get your hopes up, that time has not arrived, but I just wanted to say be patient and I hope to do it over the week-end.

It is rainy and cold here. Feels like fall today!

NAQ (National Quilting Association) article

Saturday, November 18th, 2006

The National Quilting Quaterly has an article by Sylvia Landman about “The Legacy Lives On – Five Generations of Quilters”. I am genearation #4. You can preview the article at the NQA website. When you look at the picture on the website, I am the little girl that can barely see over the quilting frames.