Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Can you believe it?????

Friday, October 9th, 2009

I have actually done something creative in the kitchen.

The Pelham Quilters monthly meeting was Monday evening. A couple of hours prior to the meeting I remembered that I was suppose to bring refreshments. Since I had classes to teach, I was really glad that I had purchased a couple of brownie mixes last trip to the grocery store. I had also purchased this magazine with all these fun Halloween food ideas. I am not sure why I buy this type of magazines, except I like to LOOK at the pictures. Well, I pulled out my magazine and found this fun idea.I think this was alot more exciting than just plain brownies.

The magazine said to make the spiders out of gum drops. Needles to say, I don’t keep gum drops around just waiting for the perfect project. So, the pom pom and chenille stems came to the rescure.
As for Houston – I am frantically trying to get pack and everything done.
The QUEEN of PROJECTS is in top frorm today.

Jittery Turkey gets the most votes!!!!

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

First off – I apologize to those that may of had a hard time in finding me or couldn’t find me for a few days. I am in the process of having my website professionally designed and I switched to anothe hosting company so I could use it for my new webiste/blog combo………but in the mean time takes you no where!!!! UGH!!!!! Anyway, the direct address to my blog (for the next few days) is:

Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion on naming my Turkey Quilt.

Ann-Christin suggested Jittery Turkey (which received 9 of the 12 votes).

Rose-Marie in Sweden is the winner from those that voted.

Please send me your snail mail address and I will mail you the pattern in November when it is finalized. If you didn’t win, the pattern will be available on my website to purchase.

9-11 Remembered

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Today is cloudy and rainy, not at all like the beautiful clear blue sky that we were experiencing here in New York eight years ago today. As I reflect on the events of that day I am reminded of my love for my family and the great pride I feel to be a part of such a great country. I wonder what has happened to those families that lost someone because of that day. I hope and pray that time has healed them in some way and they have been able to find happiness. I especially wonder about those 10 families in Pelham that inspired me to spear head an effort to make a quilt for each of them and many others in the Westchester New York area.
If you are new to my blog you can read about this project on my post from last year.
I just watch a video – Finding Hope – that Mormon church posted it on You Tube. I just finished watching it and was very touched. Enjoy.

Week 2 – July 6-9

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

Here are the projects from week two of the summer camps

Bedroom remodel update

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

I thought that I had a few more weeks before our love seat arrived, but they called and wanted to deliver it on Saturday. After I finish the Generations Unite quilt our quilt for our bedroom will be one of my next projects. So many projects and so little time. We put this recliner/love seat in our bedroom so now we have a comfy place to watch our new TV. Tom and I watched “Happy Feet” on Saturday night to try out our new set-up. It was very nice. Much better than our other set-up. I think we are going to really enjoy this.

Whilte at the QPN conference there is a member’s boutique on Saturday evening. Didi Salvatierra was selling her Fiber Arts. She had some bowls and things to hang on the walls. I really liked them, but the colors were not right for our bedroom. She let me special order one in the colors to match our bedroom. She looked at my blog and saw what I was planning on putting in my bedroom and she made this one. It arrived in the mail yesterday. I love it. Thanks Didi!!!!!!

Dejunking the desk!

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

I wish that I had a before picture, but I don’t. I have been cleaning off my desk and finding things on there that I know have been for over a year. (This is pretty scary!) I did a really good job and didn’t just shuffle the papers from one pile to another. But, since I don’t have a before picture, maybe the recycle bin next to the desk will give you an idea of some of the stuff that I was able to get rid of.

The Stoies this Bed Could Tell

Friday, February 13th, 2009

Last night was the last time this bed will ever be slept on. Today our new beds (guest room and our bedroom) are going to be delivered. This morning as Tom was getting ready for work he just wondered what stories this bed could tell if it could talk. I started wondering and reflected on the history this bed and where it had been.

June 1977 – Salem, Idaho: My grandparents celebrate there 50th Wedding anniversary. That evening they go to bed (in separate bedrooms). During the night they are both awake at the same time and sit at the kitchen table and talk about what a wonderful celebration it had been and then both go back to bed. The next morning my grandma had passed away very peacefully in this bed.

Four months later, my Grandpa died. Even though my grandparents had bickered and fought, I guess they could not live without one another. Their home was emptied and my mother got my Grandma’s bedroom furniture. Since all my siblings were settled in their homes I was given this furniture to use when I had a home.

Summer 1983 – Rexburg, Idaho: we (Russ, Mary Anne and Emily (4 months old)) move to Rexburg for the summer to work for my father. We lived in one of the college housing apartments that my parents owned. Since there were only single bed in these apartments we used the bed from my Grandmother’s bedroom set.

Fall 1983 – Provo, Utah: We move back to Provo for Russ to start Law School at BYU. We decide to leave the bedroom furniture stored at my parents in Rexburg, Idaho and just use the beds until we are more settled.

Fall 1985 – We move to a small one bedroom home in south Provo. I answer the business phone for a handyman (who owns the house) as payment for our rent. Emily’s bed is set-up at the back of the living room and my grandmother’s bed is set-up in the only bedroom. Jennie is born March of 2006 while living here.

Fall 1986 – Littleton, Colorado: Russ gets a job with a law firm in Denver, Colorado. We rent a home here. While living in this home I went to a garage sale and purchased a full-size bed for $3.00 to have for our guests.

Spring 1987 – Highlands Ranch, Colorado: We purchase a brand new home on Ridgeglen Way. My parents come for a visit and drive the pick-up so they can bring the bedroom furniture with them. My father also builds my living room furniture during that visit.

Summer 1991 – Rockville, Maryland (townhouse): Russ has decided that he wants a divorce but we decide that I should move to Maryland (he is now working for the IRS as a tax attorney) so he can help raise the girls. He takes the $3.00 garage sale bed and I take my Grandmother’s bed.

Summer 1992 – Rockville, Maryalnd (townhouse): The owner of the townhouse that we were living in decides to sell it, so the girls and I move to a townhouse about 1/2 block away.

Summer 1993 – Gaithersburg, Maryland: I purchase a brand new townhouse. The girls and I watch it being built and are excited when we can finally move in. The bed and bedroom set look wonderful in the large master bedroom (with its LARGE bath tub in the master bathroom).

Summer 1998 – Bronx, New York: Tom and I are married on June 20. The week after our wedding we load our (me and girls) belongings into a rental truck and headed up to New York. Since the renters in the house that we were buying would not move out we had to put our belongs into storage. Tom and I lived in the attic of his parents home where there was only a twin size bed. The girls spent most of the summer in Utah, Idaho and Maryland.

August 1998 – Pelham, New York (our bedroom): The renters are about to be evicted so they move out and we are able to move into our home. Because of the limited amount of drawers in my Grandmother’s bedroom furniture we opt to let Emily use it in her bedroom but Tom and I use the full-size bed in our bedroom.

February 2009 – Pelham, New York (small bedroom): We moved the full-size bed into this bedroom to enable us to paint our bedroom more easily. The bed is reunited with the bedroom furniture and headboard.

This bed has served it purpose and is passed its time of usefulness.

The painting is complete!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12th, 2009
Yesterday I finsihed pinting the second coat of paint on the walls.

I like the new color much better!

You can even see the furniture next to the walls.
Today the carpets will be cleaned –
tommorow the new beds for both bedrooms will be delivered!
Saturday is a big night out on the town with my sweeties and a couple of friends and
Sunday is off to Utah to be full-time Grandma for a few days!
No wonder I am exhausted!!!!!

The Color that was not to be!

Monday, February 9th, 2009

On Saturday Tom and I went to the paint store and I was reminded of how differently our minds work. While looking at paint chips for our bedroom I was busy comparing colors and he started to comment on the names of the paint colors. I hadn’t even thought to look at the names, the color is what I was concentrating on. Tom wanted to do something alittle darker than we usually do in our home, so I kind of let him have more say in the color. He actually liked the name “algonquin trail”, reminds him of scouting here in New York. He thought it would be fun to tell the boys while camping that is bedroom was painted with “algonquin trail” (this color was actually a darker color than the one we purchased). I told him that I thought that it would be too dark, so we went with up one to the next color – “sherwood tan”. I was still alittle unsure of this color, but was willing to give it a try. Therefore, we only purchased one gallon and I would return for a second gallon when the color was determined to be what we wanted.

Well, I put alittle on and this color is really dark also! We decided that it was to dark. So now we are going with “sea urchin” (two lighter than the color that we purchased).
Anyone need a gallon of “sherwood tan” paint?

Here is a before and after of a window and my closet door:

Before and after of the ceiling:
Today I am planning on doing the second coat on the ceiling and wood. Tommorow I will be ready to paint the walls.

Painting the walls

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

This morning I worked on doing prework on the baseboards and wood in the room. The enrichment class at noon kind of cut into my painting schedule. After my enrichment class I stopped by the paint store and bought the needed supplies. Taught my three children’s sewing classes and had dinner. Then I painted the first coat on the walls. One more coat and then on to the fun stuff – sponging the walls. I bet you can hardly wait to see what color I am going to use. Maybe the sponging will be done tommorow night after my sewing classes. I think the hold up to finishing this room is going to be the carpet we orded on Tuesday. It is suppose to take 2 weeks.