Things are moving right along. I haven’t done much with it the past week, until yesterday, then I started pumping out things again. I am hoping to have this quilt ready to start quilting in February. I think that I can make it especially since Emily and Autumn have agreed to make the remaining Easy Pieces blocks. I hope to mail them out today to them. Jennie has also agreed to make four hummingbird blocks. So, with Autumn making a few of the blocks there will be 4 Generations (5 quilters) that actually work on the construction of the quilt. Prairie will have her part also because her cute little foot prints are on it.
Last week as I was working on creating this progress report for the things I have left to complete for the Generations Unite quilt I realized that I only needed 20 border units embroidered instead of 25. Wow, I gained almost 10 hours there to work on something else. Anyway, here is a copy of my progress report.
Archive for the ‘Quilt: The Generations Unite’ Category
The Generations Unite
Friday, January 16th, 2009The Generations Unite
Monday, January 5th, 2009While in Utah I was able to cut all the pieces for the Easy Pieces blocks and Hummingbird blocks. I need 40 more hummingbird blocks. Jennie said that she would make four, so that leaves 38. I figure that if I make 4 a day, then I will be on schedule to have this quilt ready to start quilting in February.
On Dec. 24 Tom and I went to run some errands. While we were gone Emiy was really sneaky and pieced 50 of th Easy Piece blocks for me for my 50th Birthday/Christmas present.
Dark or Light?????
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008Yesterday I was working with the hummingbird blocks (which have been reduced to 2 1/2″ blocks) and the Easy Pieces blocks for the back of The Generations Unite. I want to get the pieces cut out to take to Utah with me next week. Who knows I might have some extra time after I complete my “To Do” list that the girls have for me.
Anyway – I am trying to decide if I like the lighter color around the hand block or the darker color. I can see pros and cons with each.
Anyone for a new project?
Monday, October 20th, 2008Saturday after we dropped Jason, Christy and Ty at the airport I had the feeling like I wanted to go home and just start a new project. But………….that is not sticking to my goal of working on and finishing some of my UFOs. Emily called and we talked for awhile and I told her my feeling of wanting to just go and start a new project. She help convince me that was not a good idea. I decided to work on the binding for my Morning Quilt. I sewed it on the front and now just need to hand sew it to the back. I hate having the hand sewing on the rod pocket at the last, so I did it first. Last night I worked on one side while we were driving down to Manhattan for the Annual Manhattan Temple Ordiance Workers Devotional.
On Saturday evening after I sewed the binding on the front of the quilt I decided to pin base my Back to School quilt. I am feeling really intimated about quilting this quilt. I am not sure why, but I am. I visited Patsy Thompson Designs trying to get some inspiration. She has a great website with alot of fun samples for free motion quilting. I have printed out all the FREE downloads and niow have more wonderful resources to add to my free mtoion ideas binder.
I have started quilting the outlines around most of the piece, now for the free motion stuff. I hope that I can do justice to this quilt.
Sunday I completed the embroidery work on the final pieced block for the Generations Unite quilt.
The Generations Unite
Monday, October 6th, 2008This week-end was the semi-annual general conference for the church. For the women there are two sessions on Saturday and two sessions on Sunday (the men have an additional Preisthood session on Saturday). To keep my hands busy (and to stay awak alot easier) I try and have some handwork to work on. I thought I had lost my bag that had my handwork for The Generations Unite project. (I did not want to think this was possible becaue it contained 3 pieced blocks that had all the embrodiery work completed on and a 4th block that was about 3/4 the way completed. I have looked everywhere to no avail. I am just glad that I had heeded the prompting and taken out the block of my mother’s so it didn’t get lost. This bag also contained my little light I use when I am working in a place that I need more lighting – which I would for the conference sessions because Tom and I go to the church and watch in the chapel. They usually have all the lights out except for a few dim lights – not enough for my nearly 50 year old eyes to work in. On Thursday I order a new Mighty Brite light from Amazon.
At the Saturday morning session (12-2pm our time) I worked on completing a couple of the secondary designs that are being formed when piecing the blocks together.
As I worked on completing this design it was an amazing experience. As my stitches touched my mother’s (who passed away almost 8 years ago) stitches and they worked together to create one design. I really did feel the generations uniting in this project.
Here is a view of the completed secondary design with some of my pieced blocks showing along with my mother’s embrodiery blocks.
Also – time for a happy dance. This morning I moved a box in prepations to take some things to the Salvation Army that Emily doesn’t want anymore and there was my lost bag. I found the blocks that I thought were lost. What a great amount of time I just saved. I can’t wait to finish sewing the top together – but other things HAVE to been done first.
Friday, September 12th, 2008The next few days is going to be a Stay at home vacation – thus Staycation. The past few Septembers the girls have come with me to Idaho to visit my father. We spend the week sewing. Since my dad passed away in February we decided to still get together but they would all come to my house and enjoy the NEW studio. Emily (and her two daughters) and Jennie (and Janaradan) arrived on Wednesday. Yesterday we had a somewhat lazy day. Some of us attended a baby shower for Edna (who is expecting twins). I work with her in the Young Women’s in my ward. After we returned from the shower we actually got going on some of our projects. Emily is working on piecing a feedsack quilt she is marking. This is the second one she is making from this pattern. She wants to (or have me) quilt it on George .
Jennie is trying to decide what project she wants to work on. She said that she wished that she had brought something to quilt because she wanted to try out George. I got out a bunch of projects that I said she could quilt. She is going to quilt a Halloween stack n’ whack I pieced a few years ago.
Autumn and Prairie played outside, but when it started to rain they decided that it was time for a movie.
I started working one of the blocks for the back of The Generations Unite. This quilt will have six generations represented (and worked on by four generations. The footprints are Prairie’s when she was 5 days old. Jennie choose the paper-piecing hummingbirds and
Emily choose the Easy Piece blocks in the corners. One down, thirteen to go, then to had my Folded hexagons.
What have I been up to since we returned from Alaska?
Monday, September 8th, 2008On the airplane and during Tom and Brian’s hike at Sikta I worked on the embroidery work on setting blocks for the Generations Unite. I completed 2 1/2 blocks. We also went to an outdoor concert with Nana in the Bronx on Thursday evening and I worked in this block.
I pieced the last block for this quilt. I just have this block and the one above to finish the embroidery work on the main blocks. After I have the top all pieced together I will start to work on embroidering the corners to complete the design.
Work on “Back to School” continues. I finished appliqueing the crayons on the border. The top is ready to quilt. Maybe later this week. That is if I can sneak in some time on George – my daughters are coming for 10 days and they think they are going to use George the entire time. We will have to wait and see. George is excited – he has been lonley the past week or so.
Gift Bag Swap & The Generations Unite
Thursday, August 28th, 2008Yesterday when I went down to piece my four block for the Generations unite quilt top I got so excited about the blocks and how they would look together that I had to piece together what I had done.
I think my mother would be proud of what I am doing with her block.
Projects while in Idaho/Utah
Thursday, March 6th, 2008After finding out that my father had passed away and Tom and I would be leaving for Idaho the next day, I decided that I might want to work on this project while in Idaho. So I pieced a couple of the gloried nine-patch blocks (this time my machine). Needless to say, I didn’t work on it, but it did make me feel better to work on them the day my father died. Here is a picture to give you an idea of how the quilt top will look like combined with the blocks that my mom make prior to her death.
Change of Pace
Wednesday, October 4th, 2006This past week-end Tom and I flew to Salt Lake City for the Semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We rented suites in Salt Lake City and had three of our children, their spouses, and grand-daughters with us there. What GREAT fun.!!!!!