I have been quilting on my Back to School quilt the past few days and I love George. As I have been working on this quilt and really enjoying the process I have been trying to decide what the difference it.
1. I love the throat space – a big 20″ and the size of the table. I can quilt on part of the project without having to stuff and fluff as I work. Since my table is out in the open I do have to fold it up sometimes so it doesn’t fall off the table. If I start feeling the least bit of drag I know it is time to rearrange alittle.
2. I love the speed. Not that I go fast all the time, but that when I want to the machine will keep up with me. I don’t even have George set on the fast speed. I have it at the middle setting and I still don’t ever put the medal to the pedal.
3. I love the set-up (any my new studio workspace). I don’t have to move my machine back to it normal place before sewing classes – I just leave everything as it is (except taking quilt off from under the needle.
Archive for the ‘George’ Category
Reasons why I love George!
Friday, October 24th, 2008I Love the Space on George
Wednesday, September 17th, 2008Last night I was quilting on Emily’s quilt and I was just working away and then I realized that I was quilting on the side of the quilt but had the entire 86″ stuffed in George and it didn’t even seem tight. This is what machine quilting is suppose to be like.
Emily working on her froggie quilt – shhhhhhhh it’s a NOYB (None of your business) project
Jennie modeling her new pants and blouse that she completed.
Janardan playing games.
Tom working on our cars for the “Night at the Races” activity coming up this Saturday.
Grandpa Tom and the girls.
Friday, September 12th, 2008The next few days is going to be a Stay at home vacation – thus Staycation. The past few Septembers the girls have come with me to Idaho to visit my father. We spend the week sewing. Since my dad passed away in February we decided to still get together but they would all come to my house and enjoy the NEW studio. Emily (and her two daughters) and Jennie (and Janaradan) arrived on Wednesday. Yesterday we had a somewhat lazy day. Some of us attended a baby shower for Edna (who is expecting twins). I work with her in the Young Women’s in my ward. After we returned from the shower we actually got going on some of our projects. Emily is working on piecing a feedsack quilt she is marking. This is the second one she is making from this pattern. She wants to (or have me) quilt it on George .
Jennie is trying to decide what project she wants to work on. She said that she wished that she had brought something to quilt because she wanted to try out George. I got out a bunch of projects that I said she could quilt. She is going to quilt a Halloween stack n’ whack I pieced a few years ago.
Autumn and Prairie played outside, but when it started to rain they decided that it was time for a movie.
I started working one of the blocks for the back of The Generations Unite. This quilt will have six generations represented (and worked on by four generations. The footprints are Prairie’s when she was 5 days old. Jennie choose the paper-piecing hummingbirds and
Emily choose the Easy Piece blocks in the corners. One down, thirteen to go, then to had my Folded hexagons.
#2 quiltied on George
Saturday, August 16th, 2008Now to do a quick clean up job in the house since Tom will be home in a few hours (and I need to iron his white shirt for him – the QUEEN of Last Minute is in good form today.)
Friday, August 15th, 2008
George Is here!
Thursday, August 14th, 2008 Pictures of some of the odds and ends that came with the George machine.
Here is George getting his first look of his new home.
Made the needed adjustments and have the plexi-glass around George.
My first test piece. I think I am really going to like machine quitling on George. Guess I’ll put the samples aside and quilt my Morning (aka Mouring) Quilt. Check back tommorow to see how it goes.
No George last night!
Thursday, August 14th, 2008I am not sure exactly what happened, but the driver NEVER made it here last night. He is suppose to be here between 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. I am keeping my fingers crossed!