I keep thinking that Fall is here, and then we get another few days of HOT weather. This past week it got pretty warm but I just didn’t think it was right to turn the the A/C after the middle of October. So we did manage, if it would have been really hot I would have resorted to the A/C.
Here is Miss Witchy with the Halloween friend from a couple of years ago.
Saturday we went to Vermont to place the gravestone on Jayne’s (the boy’s mother who passes away last November) grave. The fall leaves were BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Made me even more excited to get back to working on a couple of fall wallhangings that I have going (either actually going or in my mind). I have done it again, I got alittle excessive in purchasing artifically fall leaves. I can make ALOT of wallhangings. Maybe I’ll have to offer a workshop or two and try and sell the leaves.