November 11th, 2008
One saturday in March 2000 (at the beginning of my quilting adventure) Tom had to go to Washington DC for the day so I was on the internet just surfing around. I did a search on QUILTING. My quilting life would be forever changed. I found a mystery quilt that used the squishies and siggies that people had from their Y2K swaps. Well I had no idea what these squishies were but I had LOTS of fabric (of various contents) in the attic. I climbed that ladder with scissors in hand and set out to cut a bunch of stripes from the various fabrics. When Tom returned home and I told him what I was up to he was pretty excited, it was going to be a FREE Quilt. Little did he know what this Free quilt would lead to.
While working on this quilt I wondered what this Y2K swapping of squishies and siggy squares was all about. I went to the computer to find out. Each quilter took 25 fabrics and cut them into 80 – 2 1/2″ (or 3″) squares. You made a package that included one of each of the 25 – 2 1/2″ squares (which when put in an envelop is squishie) and a signature square. You made 80 of these. When you were done swapping you should have 2,000 different 2 1/2″ squares and 80 signature blocks – thus the Y2K swap. There were different sites that people could put a listing on for those that wanted to swap. So, I purchased 25 different 100% cotton fabric and made up my squishies and started to arrange swaps with other online quilters. When the squishies started to arrive it was so exciting. I spent hours sorting the fabrics into light, mediums and darks. I also realized that my knowledge in values what not the greatest and the you get what you pay for.
The FREE quilt was not that great. I ended up putting it away and started working on my Y2K Frenzy quilt (which is also on my UFO list).
After the quilt show this weekend Tom is on board with planning my QQQ Birthday party. I started to make plans of having a panel for each of my decades that I have been alive. I have at least one quilt that I can put in each panel. In brainstorming about this I decided that I wanted to finish this quilt (before I turn 50) so I would have a very visual example of how far my understanding of values has come. I have learned ALOT!!!!! So I pulled out The Free Quilt and started to work on it. I put the restriction on myself that I could only use the stripes of fabric that I had cut from fabric in my attic so long ago. Lot of these fabrics are pretty crazy to be used in quilts.
I do understand value alittle better and even with working with those attic fabrics I have been able to use my understanding of value and make the design stand out alittle more instead of just have a bunch of squares and half-square triangles sewn together. The block on the right (with some color enchancment with crayons) was pieced back in 2000 and the block on the left was pieced yesterday. Still not perfect but much better than what I did back in 2000.
Here is 15 of the 81 blocks that will be in this quilt. You can see part if the design if you squint your eyes. Guess I had better get back to work on this jumbled mess.
Posted in Quilt: Free Quilt | 2 Comments »
November 10th, 2008
Over the weekend I finished qulting the center of this quilt. I decided to treat the inner border as if it were part of the center of the quilt. I just could not come up with how I wanted to change the quilting or what design would look good – thus my decision.
Here is the back of the quilt showing the shadow quilting. (I LOVE George and I LOVE quilting on it.)
Now I need to order the textile mediums that I need so I can treat the colored pencil work so it will be permanent. And to figure out how I am going to quilt the outer borders.
Posted in Quilt: Fall Surprises | 1 Comment »
November 9th, 2008
Saturday I spent most of the day at the quilt show. Here are some pictures that I took while there. The show is wonderful. I really enjoyed just wondering through the quilts during the day and noticing one that I did not see before. These picture are just a small representation of the wonderful work that was on display. I had other pictures but I am not the best photographer and alot of them were blurry. These will give you a feel for the show. My Back to School quilt was a big hit with the teachers that came.
A few wished they had a quilt like that to hang in their classroom.
Pinwheel Magic #2 was hanging on a wall of windows. This shot is from outside.
Here is the front of the quilt from above.
Posted in Quilt Shows | No Comments »
November 7th, 2008
(Purple & Green Sampler)
By Mary Anne Ciccotelli
Pelham, New York
Spring 2003: Top pieced as a sample for a
beginner quilting class taught at the Pelham Art Center.
November 2008: Quilted with different types
of feathers in each block and border.
Well, it’s Quilt Show time. I am soooooo excited. I can’t wait to see all the beautiful quilts made by members of my guild hanging in one place. I will be at the show all day Saturday, so if you stop by please be sure and say Hi!
Posted in 2008 Completed project, Quilt: UFO Project | 2 Comments »
November 6th, 2008
Pelham has this rule of:Yesterday it was an overcast day and I had the Village Squares Quilters quilt stand – a great combination for photographing quilts. Since we have very little back yard (or space behind our house) I moved both of our cars to the front (on a Pelham street) and parked them so I would have room to take the pictures of the large quilts. Usually when I park out front I try and set the timer for 2 hours so I don’t forget to check and see if the meter witch has been by and marked the tires. He/she is not consistent. They do not come by everyday. Well, I was so excited (and distracted about my project at hand) that I forgot about setting the timer or checking the tires.
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November 5th, 2008
A couple of days ago I pulled out this top I had pieced for a beginner quilt class that I taught at the Pelham Art Center in 2003. This sample was using the four basic blocks but with sashing between the blocks.
I decided to quilt different types of feathers in the different blocks.
Then I put feathers in the outside borders and corner squares. Now I just need to finish sewing down the binding and sewing on the label. Almost ready to check off another UFO from the list.
Posted in Quilt: UFO Project | 2 Comments »
November 5th, 2008
Another UFO pulled out from the deep dark. I started this project in 2005. After quilting #13 with the thread changes in the back I decided that I wanted to try and do something alittle more planned with the thread changes. So, I started Fall Surprises.I pieced the top using Fall color batiks and then enlarged a leaf and quilted the design into the top. As I worked on it in 2005 I decided that I wanted the leaves to show up alittle more than just the quitling lines. I have been looking for just the right edge for a couple of years. Last May at the Northern Star Quilters show I bought this metalic cording, just right I hoped. (Here is how the top is today after working on it again in 2008.)
This week I pulled out this project and started to work on it again. I couched the metalic cording around the edges of the leaves. Added the vein lines with Razzle Dazzle thread but decided that I still wanted more defination to the leaves. I tried my crayon trick, but wasn’t quite convinced after doing the red leaf. I just purchased Caryl Bryer Fallert’s machine quiling DVDs and in there she talks about using Prismacolor pencils to add contrast where needed. Off to Michaels to purchase some Prismacolor pencils. I like working with them, but now to figure out how to make the color permanent. I don’t like getting blue when I rub against the blue leaf.
Here is the back of the quilt. Back in 2005 when I started this project I didn’t think the leaves showed up like I wanted them to with my bobbin color change theory, so I used crayons to define where the leaves are. The zig-zag stitching is from couching the metalic cording on the front of the quilt.
Close-up of one of the leaves.
Posted in Embellishing Ideas, Quilt: Fall Surprises | 1 Comment »
November 5th, 2008
The Back to School quilt is completed and ready to hang in the
quilt show this week-end.
When I sew the labels on I sew them on upside down so when you flip the corner up the label is right side up and easy to read.
Back to School
An original quilt design by
Mary Anne Ciccotelli
Pelham, NY
I like to have quilts hanging in my studio for the different times of the year. Last Fall I was surfing the web looking for an inspiration for a Back to School themed quilt. I saw this clipart at and loved it and decided to base a quilt on it.
Upon completing the first display section I felt it was too large – so it became the rod pocket. The second display unit was complete with my embroidery machine. I could not face cutting all those little back pieces again. When I finished the top (white borders without the crayons yet) a couple of my critics suggested putting numbers on the calculator keys. It was turning to Winter so this project was put away. Almost a year later I pulled it out to work on it again. I changed the borders to a brown fabric and added the crayons. I decided to take my critics’ advice and add numbers to the keys. I had most of the numbers embroidered on when I realized that the numbers on a calculator are not in the same position as the numbers on a telephone. I had used the telephone placement. I had to unpick the 1, 2, 3, and 7 and embroidery them in the correct place. Luckily the 4, 5 and 6 are in the same position on either device. I also did away with the “%” key and moved the “X” key to make room for the “0” key.
Posted in 2008 Completed project, Quilt: Back to School | 1 Comment »
November 5th, 2008
The Turkey Quilt is completed.
Posted in 2008 Completed project, Quilt: Turkey quilt | 1 Comment »
October 29th, 2008
I am contining to get more aquainted with George and I am liking it more and more.I completed the quilting on the Back to School quilt and have attached the rod pocket (the story of the rod pocked will be disclosed when I complete the quilt and include the label on this blog (see above) and binding. Now for the hand work.
Last night I pin basted the Turkey quilt and have started quilting it. I am wondering if there is anyway I can get these two quilts done this month. I have a couple of more days, so maybe so. That would make for a productive month in completing some of my UFOs.
The QQQ (50 1/2 Birthday) party is getting closer and closer – so I have to continue to be productive on my UFO’s.
Posted in Fabric Folding, Quilt: Back to School, Quilt: QQQ Quilt, Quilt: Turkey quilt | 1 Comment »