Archive for the ‘Quilt: Splash of Silver’ Category

Empire Quilters Urban Inspirations 2009 Quilt Show

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
The Empire Quilters Urban Inspirations 2009 Quilt Show was held this week-end. My Grandma’s Hexagarden received the Best Pieced award. (Don’t you love the ribbon!!!!) This quilt was entered into the wrong category. One judge stated: “It is a pity, the correct category would have brought this piece higher points”. Since it is not quilted no points could be given for Quilting Design (15 points possible) and Quilting (15 points possible). Next show I will make sure this quilt gets into the Other Techniques category.
Here I am standing proudly by my quilt while it was hanging at the show.
I like the way these signs were constructed and hung – food for thought for the QQQ Birthday Party.

While the quilt was hanging at the show I got a few good close-up shots.

I also entered my Splash of Silver. One judge loved it and the other deducted alot of points. Go figure. Kind of funny how things work out. It did look nice hanging in the show. It is always fun to see my work hanging with such wonderful quilts.

It was a great show. I appreciate all those that worked so hard to make it possible. Thanks to the quilt show committee and all the volunteers that made this wonderful show possible!

3 Lables sewed on

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008
Today I sewed on three labels. Feels great to be finishing up these projects. The first label sewed on was on the Morning Quilt.
(If you are wondering why the leaves and vines are blue – because the yellow is out on my printer and I didn’t want to go to Staples before I printed the label.)

Here is the front of the quilt – sorry for the angel – my quilt holder is at work.
Here is the label for Splash of Silver. Now it is comletely done.

The third label for a quilt that Emily finished. It is going to be mailed here on the East coast so we decided it was silly for her to take it back to Utah just to have to mail it back to the East.

VSQ meeting

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Today at the Village Squares Quilters meeting we had 28 wonderful quilts displayed for the Splash of Silver challenge. I am sorry that I forgot to take pictures of all of them, I will do so at the quilt show and share then. Each member got to vote for the three quilts they liked best. A 1st place vote received 5 points, 2nd place vote received 3 points and 3rd place vote received 1 point. All the points were tallied up and the winners are………………………..3rd place – Fran Osinoff – Birthday Celebration (left)

2nd place – Susan Wolman – Princess and the Silver Pea (right)
1st place – Mary Anne Ciccotelli – Splash of Silver (center)

No – I didn’t get the bibs done that I was suppose to. But, the guild did present 100 bibs and scarfs to St. Mary’s home for children. This guild does such wonderful outreach projects.

And – we presented the quilt the group had donated blocks for. The quilt was given to Susan as a comfort quilt to wrap her while she is going through the recovery process of cancer treatment. (This is the one I quilted earlier this week.)

Splash of Silver – VSQ Challenge

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008
This post is a summary of my progress on my challenge quilt. Since I was not a liberty to share my ideas and work before the voting I added to this post as I worked on this project and had it published on the day of the voting.

Village Squares Quilters 2008 Challenge
Splash of Silver
Your Challenge is to create a quilted wall hanging with this theme.
1. The entry must have three layers and be a quilted wall-hanging.
2. Shape: square or rectangle
3. Dimensions: no side longer than 25 inches nor shorter than 10″
4. Choice of fabrics and use of embellishment is up to you.
5. Bring your qults in by 11:30 on October 14.

I had put this picture of a Christmas card in my idea folder a while ago. The idea I had at the time was to make a much larger quilt to hang in my studio during the winter. But , I decided to use this as my inspiration for my challenge quilt.

I saw this picture on Susan Cleveland’s website and decided that I wanted a border like this quilt on my challenge quilt.

Friday, Sept. 26, 2008

This is 1/2 of a side of the spikey border that I drafted.
Monday, Sept. 30, 2008

Sections of the border that I am paper piecing.

Part of the border pieces laying on the sample center.
The swirl lines are chalk and the two snowflakes are practice ones.
(Note to self – need to include some large snowflakes also.)

Experimental top and all the border pieces completed.

Now to pieced the border together.

Close-up of the different silver fabrics used in the border.

Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008

The borders have been pieced onto the center section – there are a bunch of ripples in the border, I am sure I can press into submission.
Next to add the swirls.

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008

The swirls were done with a metalic thread. (Kind of a pain to work with.)

Here is my challenge quilt hanging, I am trying to decide if it has enough stars.

October 2, 2008

Visit my post – Sneak Peak – to see what I am working on today on this quilt.

Also, I should remember that I have come to the conclusion that pressing into submission does not work most of the time? So, I am also redoing the border to get rid of all the ripples that you can see in the above picture.

One side completed (right side of the picture), one side pinned down (bottom of picture), and two more sides to be worked on.

October 13, 2008

I am in the process of blocking the quilt – still trying to get it to lay flat.
Binding and rod pocket ready to attach when quilt is dry from the blocking.

October 14, 2008

I made it – it is completed. Needless to say – I dodn’t get alot of sleep last night.

Whoops – I forgot to wash off the chalk lines. You can see the quilting lines much better on the back.

Sneak peak

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

Here is a sneak peak of the back of my challenge quilt. Today I have been taking the paper off the border. And……..I am reminded of why I DON’T like paper piecing.