Archive for the ‘Quilt: Ebay Mania’ Category

Trying to practice moderation!

Monday, December 8th, 2008

Hello blogging freinds and family members. Over the Thanksgiving weekend I decided that I needed to be have more balance in my life. There is more to life than finishing UFOs. So, to make a break in my thinking I really had to just stay away from my studio for the week to try and change my mind set. I did do some hand work on Grandma’s Hexagarden. This morning I rearrange the small (8′ x 8′) bedroom that we have. I decided to put the E-bay Mania quilt on the bed. I needed something to cover the pillows since the quilt was not long enough. I pulled out one of my UFOs from 1999. I think that I will make it into a pillow sham to use with this quilt on this bed. The quilt was made with white fabric and the small UFO is a cream color fabric, but I think I will use it anyway. I am planning on painting the room and redoing the hardwood floors after the first of the year. We were going to put a full size bed in this room, but after moving the furniture into the trail set-up, I have come to realize that this room is not large enough for the full size bed. The door would just barely open and you would have really no room to move around. Too bad, it was was going to be really nice. But, I think with tweeking the furniture arrangement this room will still be alot nice for our married kids to use when they come to visit. I just have to face the plan truth – this is a SMALL bedroom. Not alot of options!

I really like having quilts that I have made on the beds in our home. I did finish the Train room quilt before I put the ban on my studio. I have loved walking past that room and seeing the bed look so nice. Tom will go into the room to admire the train set-up. I can go in with him and admire the trains (and the quilt and pillow sham).

Ebay Mania completed!!!!!

Monday, August 25th, 2008
Well – alittle behind schedule, but it is completed. I started quilting this in February but then we went to Idaho for my dad’s funneral. I put it away and it did not get worked on until Tom was at scout camp and I decided that I should get it out and quilt the borders (this was before George arrived – so this entire quilt was quilted on my Bernina). Sorry for the angle shot, but Tom is at work and I still don’t have my own quilt rack.
Back of the quilt.
Verbage from the label:
Ebay Mania
During the Spring of 2002, I decided to make a quilt that looked like the Double Wedding Ring quilt my Great-grandmother had made for my mother. One day, I was on e-bay looking for fabrics for this project. When I saw a listing for over 1,000 – 2” squares of vintage fabric, I decided this would be perfect. However, when the squares arrived, I realized they were too small. A few days later The American Quilter magazine was in my mailbox and I noticed the Confetti quilt. I decided I would use all 1,237 squares to make that quilt. I used 1,042 on the front of the quilt and the rest were used on the back. The squares that were trimmed off after the quilt was quilted were used when constructing the rod pocket.

(FYI – If you are counting the squares, three of the squares are covered by the rod pocket.)

Made by Mary Anne Ciccotelli
Pelham, NY

Top & back pieced Summer 2002
Started quilting February 2008
Completed August 2008

A picture of the rob pocket using the leftover squares.
Close-up of the rob pocket.

What I have been up to the past few days

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

Over the week-end I worked on embroidering the bees to the center of the Gift Bag Swap quilt. It just needs to be pin basted and it will be ready to quilt. I am planning on trying the wool bat that I purchased at the Northern Star Quilt show. I am excited to work with the wool batting and see how I like it.

Close-ups of the bees!

Tom is at Boys Scout camp this week. So, I have lots of time to SEW!
Monday night I decided to finish quitling the borders on the E-bay Mania quilt.
Last night I worked on putting the binding on. After I had the binding sewn (but not turned to the wrong side and stitch down by hand) I told it was kind of rippley, but I decided that it should be okay, I pressed it and started to sewen the binding down by hand. I completed three sides.

This morning I got up and looked at the quilt with the rippley border and decided that it was not acceptable and I was not going to be able to press it into submission. So, after camp I spent about 1 hours unpicking everything that I did last night.

Waiting for GEORGE to arrive.

My George (quilting machine from APQS) is schedule to be delivered today.

I am really exicted. In anticipation of this event, I pin basted my Morning quilt so it wold be ready to quilt tonight.

Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Just waiting for the delivery person(s) to ring my doorbell!