Whoops – I mean PROJECTS (as dubbed by my daughters at the QQQ party).
Yesterday I was working on finishing up the project that has consumed most of my time since Thanksgiving and it had to be in Houston today. Needless to say – I am THANKFUL for Federal Express and the fact that there is a main facility about two miles (even though it seemed like alot future than that last night) from my house AND stays open until 8:00 pm.
Here is what the clock looked like as I sat at the red light a few blocks away from Federal Express. I was hoping that I DID NOT hit too many more red lights.
FYI – I just asked Tom about the accuracy of the clock in this car and he said it’s 1 minute fast. Nothing like cutting it close.
Now maybe you are wondering what has kept me so busy?
I have been putting together my Portfolio and Teaching Proposals for Fall 2010 Quilt Festival in Houston, TX. I am pretty particular about how my packages looks and I become very detailed oriented (and pickie). I wanted everything to be just so.
This is a picture of an article that appeared in NQA’s Quilting Quarterly in Fall 2006 written by Sylvia Landman. It was kind of fun to see all the supporting documenation for my Portfolio in one place.
Everything was coming together very nicely until I decided that the Disappearing Rainbow class would be better if the project used only 6 colors instead of the 12 colors like the sample I was working on last month. (I know, I never showed you that one finsihed either – I will at the end of this post). This is all fine and dandy until I needed to include a picture of the class sample – whoops. I needed to make a new sample in the small size (45″ square). No problem……….but things always take longer than I think they will, especially when I had alittle problem with the layout I had done with the border portion that includes the squares on point. I finsihed the sample around 7:20 and then needed to take a few pictures.
Here is the 45″ square Disappearing Rainbow class sample.
I experimented with the placement of the dark and light squres in the nine-patch blocks on this project. This quilt has five light squares and four of the dark ones.)
After taking the pictures for the proposal I remembered that I needed to print the final of my resume. Needless to say, all of these small things were starting to add up to taking too MANY minutes. Tom was gone to a Boys Scout meeting so I was on my own. I was fianlly ready to leave and went out and got into the car. I tried to start the car (which we have not used this car in the past week or so) and it kind of hesitated. My heart sank and I said little prayer. The car then stated and I was on my way. As I was driving I said another pray of thanks for this tender mercy in my life. I did make it in time. But, I was the last one that was let into the building before the doors were locked. This was even too close for me – I did start to get alittle anxious. Now all I can do is let my package speak for me and wait until February when they notification will be made if any of the proposals will be accepted or not.
Here is the the Big Sister Disappearing Rainbow quilt made from 12 colors (24 FQS).
Today I just kind of relaxed (and babied myself (plus I have a really bad cold)). Tommorow I need to actually do some cleaning. Saturday is the day for Our Annual Tom’s Trains (10am-2pm). If anyone is in the area and would like to stop by and see his model trains – Plese do so. (If this time does not work for you we are also willing to arrange a personal viewing.) It is always fun to have the families with children from our church stop by.