A perfect example of why……….

Last night we had five missionaries from the church over for dinner. Little did they know what was in store for them (and neither did Tom or I).

After camp was over yesterday afternoon I went to Costco to get a few things that we needed and then I came home and put the water on to boil for the ziti. When Tom arrived home from work he took over in the kitchen (so you would think all would be well).

We started dinner off with the salad (complete with many cucumbers from our garden). Tom had placed the array of salad dressing on the table. Three of the five missionaries choose the Italian dressing. We all began to eat and the missionary sitting next to me started to make some funny noises and moving around like he was uncomfortable………….then he was able to say that the dressing was not dressing but SOAP!!!!!!!!

All at once I realized what had happened – I had been let loose to deal with some things in the kitchen.

In June Emily went to the grocery store (Tom and I had taken the little girls to the Aquarium) to purchase some odds and ends for the special anniversary dinner and she also purchased a small bottle dish soap since she didn’t know if we had any in our storage. A couple of days later she mentioned that she wished she had a small bottle like that one at home because she buys dish soap in bulk and the BIG bottle gets kind of annoying at the side of the sink. Well, Mom to the rescue. We had just emptied and Italian dressing bottle. I cleaned out the bottle and poured the dish soap in the Italian dressing bottle. Proceeded to clean out the dish soap bottle and gave it to Emily to take home with her. Pretty innocent behavior, don’t you think. I am sure that our dinner appointment with be one that will be share by the missionaries when they are talking about the worst stuff they were served on their mission.

I have now marked the bottle so if you happen to come to dinner at our home, the Italian dressing should be safe. But you never know……………..what will happen when I get in the kitchen.

4 Responses to “A perfect example of why……….”

  1. Connie says:

    Ha ha ha! I've heard of BYOM (Bring your own meat) dinners but now you may have started a BYOD (dressing) when the missionaries are invited to the Ciccotelli home for dinner!
    I took your advice and checked out Emily's blog, her family is sooo cute. Also loved their costumes for the book. The children are adorable and her blog was lots of fun.
    I told Deonn Erikson (Stott) to check out your blog. She was so excited and pleased with all your quilts. She has done much of the same with classes, 4-H, etc. What a prestigious honor for your quilts in Houston- and two of them on top of that! I'd like to join you there but don't think it is a possibility. Besides that, I'd be completely out of my league- unless they are making 4 patches. Keep up the good work and thanks again for sharing your family.

  2. Randy and Susan Landon says:

    I love your story. We will be careful if you ever serve salad.

  3. Rodney says:

    You both are bad but I think you a least had your family's support. I on the other hand did not. I went to the store and bought a bag of oranges. That night I pealed one while Nina & Tonya watched with more interest than normal. When I ate a piece I realized it was a grapefruit. The two of them laughed & laughed because they new what they were before I started pealing them. The color looked OK to me.

  4. Max and Deanna says:

    That made me laugh out loud. It's like when I bought what I thought was whip cream and it was buttermilk. My problem was I couldn't read Russian. Funny, funny!

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